B20 SummitG20 Summit
July 18, 2024
The City of Rio de Janeiro will be the Capital of the G20 in 2024,
18 July 2024

The city of Rio de Janeiro will be the capital of the G20 in 2024. The group that represents 80% of the world economy’s GDP will meet in Rio for a year. There are many paths to the leaders’ summit. On November 18 and 19, 2024, Rio will take another step in its history as a stage – and actor – of international relations: the Olympic city (Rio 2016) and the birthplace of sustainability (Rio 92, Rio +20) embraces a future of greater integration and economic development. The time has come for the G20 Rio 2024.
Rio is Brazil in the world. During the Brazilian presidency of the G20 (2023-2024), important meetings will take place in the city: working groups, engagement groups, ministers and heads of state will be Cariocas for a few days.
Governments from the developed and developing worlds want new and better businesses, more international investment and trade, and a sustainable future for economic growth. These ambitions are expressed throughout the year in statements, declarations, rules, and standards that impact finance and politics around the world. New paths are also being opened to strengthen social movements, science, and civil society.
Alongside the official meetings and preparatory meetings, associated and parallel events will address the most relevant issues for the future of development in the world’s 20 largest economies: financing climate action, overcoming poverty and hunger, and reforming international institutions towards a more inclusive and efficient multilateralism. The priorities of the Brazilian G20 presidency are the desire of the people of Rio de Janeiro for a fairer world and a more sustainable planet. The
The Rio G20 committee was formed based on the diagnosis that the city government of Rio de Janeiro could—and should—proactively support Brazil’s logistical and intellectual efforts through its federal government in the unprecedented challenge of presiding over and hosting the G20. This is a public effort that overflows into civil society institutions.
The municipal committee encourages, promotes, and coordinates logistical actions and intellectual initiatives that strengthen Rio’s role as the capital of the G20. In this effort, all municipal bodies and their leaders embraced the Brazilian presidency of the G20, a unique opportunity to consolidate the economic recovery of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil with a generous vision for its future. With joy and responsibility, dedication to details, and ambition, let us seize all the opportunities that we will have in the capital of the G20.
The G20 seeks possible consensus and viable utopias in a complex and fragmented world. The pragmatism of diplomacy and development does not dispense with hope. In order to assist the Brazilian presidency of the G20, we will work to achieve an invaluable legacy for a global city that thinks of its citizens and places itself, first and foremost, at the service of all Rio residents. Please go to https://www.g20.rio/ for more information on the Rio G20 summit.